Veronica Beretta

Note Card Box Sets

In an attempt to develop the company’s product offerings and breathe new life into the product assortment, I assisted in managing the creation of notecard box sets. The development of 10 notecard box sets began with extensive research into the existing offerings on the market before the proposal for packaging, subject matter and more was presented.


The direction decided was a unified subject matter for each set, 3 designs, 2 of each to complete a box of 6. Each design in the set is unique but cohesive to the overall style of the set. While working with the team to develop the handmade card designs I was also working with overseas suppliers to manufacture the packaging. Finalizing the landed cost and coordinating delivery to Vietnam from China to then pack the cards into the box and ship to the US finished the project. The Decorative Floral set I designed myself became one of the top sellers of the collection and was honored on the cover of the Summer 2022 edition of Stationery Trends.


During the second launch of 5 more skus in this category I assisted to ideate a way to animate and advertise the new products to showcase in digital advertising.